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LED light s are the greenest lighting solution available on the market, so their application in environment conscious or eco-friendly homes is an ideal choice. Since recently global warming and environment pollution have become hot issues, we need to deal within our everyday lives, more and more people prefer environmentally friendly solutions. Green energy-saving applications usually require an investment at the beginning, and result in savings on the long run, as they are expensive to install but cheap to run.

A property can be eco-friendly to various degrees. Since sustainability is a global target, it is recently involved in government policies, within which a code system was introduced to rate the carbon emission and number of eco-friendly features in houses. Houses aiming to support sustainable development are required to have a minimum numberof features, using less water and energy, and generally more environment friendly. New constructions in the UK are required to have at least rating 3 (6 is the maximum), which determines the level of pollution it generates, its waste management, the materials used during construction, energy and water consumption and carbon emission. 6 star houses obviously include a large numberof facilities, are usually built with renewable organic or recycled materials, and use mainly renewable forms of energy, like wind or solar power, some even have zero carbon emission. But even the minimum standard determined in the UK is 25 % more efficient than a zero level property.

If you want to turn your house into more energy-efficient, you can start with small things, like changing your light bulbs to energy-saving LED lights. LED lights are the best choice in that matter, not only for their extremely low consumption of power but also for their eco-friendly characteristics, lacking poisonous materials like themercury in compact light bulbs. LED lights also have long lifespan, which makes their maintenance easy and cheap in hardly accessible places.

Another thing you can work on is your insulation. Fully insulated houses do not only have insulated walls – but have double, or even triple glazing windows and floor insulation. If you cannot make such basic changes to your home, you can still get shutters for your existing windows, keeping warm inside during the winter and outside during the summer. Heating – if not replaced for floor heating, which keeps the air the warmest – can also be developed with proper air circulation in the room, or good ventilation in other words.

Getting low energy-consuming appliances, like LED lights, can also be combined with installing renewable energy supplies in your home. Solar or wind power – depending on your environment and climate – can be added as a supply for only parts of your home, controlling only the heating or supplying hot water for your taps. To use less water, you can collect rainwater for instance, and use it either in a system to flush toilets, or simply just for watering your plants. These collecting systems are included in many eco-friendly homes, in addition to rooftop plantings, which slows down water run-off.

Due to the high demand for eco-friendly features in houses, constructors are encouraged to have as many of them in new buildings as it is possible for an affordable price. On the longrun, this will hopefully lead to a drop in price for these constructs and evena 5 star property will be at reach.

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